Tree Farming: A Win-Win Double A Concept

Thanks to Double A (1991) Public Company Limited., our primary school has just received 2,000 fast-growing eucalyptus tree seedlings at no cost whatsoever.

Double A invites farmers and land owners in Thailand to plant paper trees on empty or non-cultivated areas of their land for sourcing their raw material.

After intensive research, Double A has developed a special fast-growing tree (from the Eucalyptus family) which requires no care (except planting) and which reaches its maturity in 3 years only. Such trees can be planted to border any other local crop area as well. Slim and growing tall without any lower branches, little space between each tree is thus required.
While our students directly learn about the importance of contributing to the reduction of green house gas emission (CO2) and saving our natural forests, our school itself will benefit from a substantial added revenue generated in the short term by these farmed trees.

In conclusion, we encourage anyone still having some free land area to look into such a viable secondary crop option. The best of all is that we will not have to become wood-cutters to harvest our 2,000 trees:  Double A will cut them down for us!

Written by: Mr. Jaroon (School Director)